«Spectral phototherapy (SPT)»
it is an innovative method of delivering any trace elements needed by the body using multispectral light energy.
What is Spectral Phototherapy (SPT)?
A unique method of delivering the necessary trace elements to the affected organ using multispectral light energy. Combines the principles of phototherapy and reflexology. It is used to influence the reflex zones of the skin. Provides targeted delivery of trace elements through biologically active points to the organs and systems of the body.
The therapeutic effect is achieved by saturating the body with certain micro and macro elements that are involved in all metabolic processes, ensuring the normal functioning of the body.
Spectral phototherapy (SPT)
The procedure is performed with a glass emitter. This emitter is in contact with the patient's skin. The device generates light waves corresponding to the light emission of various chemical elements. Penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, these waves activate a number of biochemical reactions.replenishing vital trace elements in the body.
SFT has practically no contraindications. Used by specialists in the recovery period after plastic surgery. Its use allows you to quickly remove swelling and bruising. Included in exclusive body cleansing programs.
Age-related changes in the body.
Acne, post-acne and other skin diseases.
Hormonal imbalance.
Functional disorders of the nervous system.
Cardiovascular pathologies.
Diseases of the muscular system.
Sports injuries.
Violations of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
Weakened immunity.
Sleep disturbance, depression, neuroses.
Diseases of the genitourinary system.
Body rejuvenation.
Getting rid of acne and post-acne.
Restoration of hormonal balance.
Normalization of the nervous system.
Treatment of cardiovascular pathologies.
Elimination of muscle spasms, pain in the back and spine.
Recovery after sports injuries.
Getting rid of psoriasis.
Improving immunity and vitality.
Relaxation of nervous tension, stress relief, normalization of sleep.
Elimination of diseases of the genitourinary system.
About the procedure
Duration of the procedure: from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.
Recommended course: appointed by a cosmetologist.
Frequency: determined by the beautician.
Effect: can be assessed after the first procedure.
Spectral phototherapy technique
The procedure is carried out in courses. The duration of the session is determined by the cosmetologist on an individual basis, taking into account the area of the treated surface and the patient's health status.
The session begins with cleansing the skin and applying a special base cream to the treatment area.. The cream contains Dead Sea water, more than 20 microelements, including elements, spectra towhich are emitted by the device.
The procedure is performed with a glass emitter that is in direct contact with the patient's skin. The device generates light waves corresponding to the light emission of various chemical elements. Penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, these waves activate a number of biochemical reactions. An important role in this process is played by special enzymes (metalloenzymes). They absorb the generated radiation, as a result, the bioelemental composition of the diseased organ is restored, which contributes to the healing process.
Question answer
When can the result be evaluated?
The result can be assessed after the first session. Most patients note an analgesic, relaxing effect that develops progressively during the course of procedures. The result obtained is stored for a year.
What result to expect?
Non-surgical facelift
Prevention of postoperative scars
Non-surgical liposuction
Comprehensive rejuvenation of the face and body
Non-surgical blepharoplasty (lower and upper)
Elimination of "crow's feet"
Elimination of purse-string wrinkles
Reduction of deep wrinkles
Volume reduction
Elimination of acne
Loose skin tightening
Reduction of scars and stretch marks
Getting rid of pigmentation
Is the procedure safe?
The method is completely safe and recommended for use.
How to prepare for the procedure?
Special training is not required.
What is the duration of the rehabilitation period?
There is no recovery period.
Are complications possible?
Complications are excluded.